Student Activities
You’ve watched the live performance and learned all about battery recycling! Now you can watch more videos below and play these fun, educational games to continue to learn more ways to collect batteries and help your school WIN The Big Battery Rescue!
Nikki Nickel has your student mission. Watch and take action for The Big Battery Rescue!
Introducing Nikki Nickel from The Energized Guyz, here to tell you all about The Big Battery Rescue!
Watch and share this video of the Live Performance of Eco Guardian: Mission It’s Possible.
Digital Games
The following games can be played and enjoyed with your class. Click on the picture to the left to get started. You will be taken to a different website ( where our games are hosted.
Purpose of Activity: Review, Identify Details and Apply Skills
Four C’s of 21st Century Education Skills: Collaboration & Critical Thinking
Description: A classic multiple choice and true/ false quiz game based around the content in this program. You can play and review individually or learn together as a class.
Time: 5 to 10 minutes
Grade Range: P-6
Plays best on: whiteboard, computer, tablet or smart phone.
Friendly Feud
Purpose of Activity: Review, Identify Details and Apply Skills
Four C’s of 21st Century Education Skills: Collaboration & Critical Thinking
Description: Trivia classroom game based around the content in the program that can be played one-on-one or team versus team. High score wins!
Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Grade Range: P-6
Plays best on: whiteboard, computer or tablet.
Word Up!
Purpose of Activity: Review and Remember
Four C’s of 21st Century Education Skills: Communication
Description: A vocabulary Language Arts activity where you fill in the blank using letters to spell vocabulary words from this program.
Time: 5 to 10 minutes for each level
Grade Range: P-6
Plays best on: on whiteboard, computer, tablet or smart phone.
Student Resources
Below you can find the Student Workbook and Poster.
Click on the images to the left to download a .pdf version of the file.
Eco Guardians – Student Workbook
This downloadable PDF features colourful artwork and expanded information to complete your understanding of battery recycling. Read on your own, with your class or with friends and family and learn what you can do to protect the environment in your own backyard!
Eco Guardians – Poster
This downloadable PDF features the main points from the show which you can hang in your bedroom or on the fridge at home.
The Big Battery E-book
Dive into this colourful, illustrated e-book in the classroom or at home with friends and family. Students can read to themselves or with others, and younger students can use the read-along option.